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Tribunal hearings taking over a year to be heard as claims soar by 40%

The number of people making employment tribunal claims has risen by 40% in the past year according to ACAS figures, rising to almost 40,000 over the 12 months to 31 March 2019.

The service also reported a 21% increase in the number of notifications it received compared. The service now deals with 132,000 notifications a year, amounting to more than 2,500 a week.

Last month, solicitors complained that employment tribunals are being delayed by months as courts struggle to deal with the influx of claims. Over 77% of people who were surveyed by the Employment Lawyers Association said that final hearings were being listed over a year after the issue of a claim and more than 66% of respondents said tribunals are taking longer to deal with the service of claims.

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