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Employee Services

We help a wide range of employees with practical and hands-on assistance through the maze of employment law, using straight-forward language you can easily understand.

Employees have numerous rights under employment legislation, some of which require a minimum length of service, while others do not.



BarrCo provided me with excellent service. They're able to take a large volume of information and effectively interpret this into concise detail, providing clear and meaningful advice. They are very easy to work with, efficient, respond in a timely manner and clearly have extremely good knowledge and experience. Having used larger and I have to say significantly more expensive legal expertise in the past, I found BarrCo to provide a much better service."


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Employee Services

Letters of offer and contracts of employment

Service agreements

Maternity and family related time off

Disciplinary and grievance procedures

Unfair and constructive dismissal




Discrimination and harassment


Settlement Agreements

Post employment restrictions

Employment tribunal claims


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