On 9 March 2017, the Ministry of Justice published the tribunal quarterly statistics for the period October to December 2016. During this quarter:
· The number of single claims received by employment tribunals went up 3% and disposals decreased by 8%, compared with the same quarter in 2015, resulting in a 7% increase in the outstanding case load
· The number of multiple claims decreased by 65%, while disposals and cases outstanding increased by 18% and 14% respectively
· Employment tribunals disposed of 10,922 claims during the quarter, up 8% compared with the same period in 2015. 37% of claims disposed of were settled via Acas, 16% were withdrawn and 5% were successful at hearing
· The proportion of total remission applications granted (both single and multiple cases) has stabilised at around 60% of those applying (it was 54% in the previous quarter)
· The total employment tribunal case load outstanding at the end of December 2016 was 253,637, the majority (96%) relating to multiple claims